Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Now Available On Xbox Live Marketplace

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Valves latest “Zombie-Survival-Coop-game” is due to be released within the coming months and to celebrate the Left 4 Dead 2 Demo (which was previously only available to people who pre-ordered the game) has now gone live on Xbox Live Marketplace.

The Demo weighs in at a “huge” 1.69GB, which according to some, is abit more than the pre-order demo which weighed in at 1.67GB.

The Demo (at the moment) is only available to GOLD Subscribers, so for silver members you will have to wait a few weeks before you can download it.

According to xbox360achievements.org the demo will feature gameplay from the “parish Campaign” not to mention new zombies, special infected bosses and some cool new melee weapons – however the only way to find out, for sure, is to download the demo today!

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